About us
More than 40 Years of triathlon history
Almere is the beating heart of Dutch triathlon with the CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM as its highlight: a unique event by international standards, which is a once in a lifetime experience for athletes, volunteers, and supporters.
The CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM is organized by volunteers only. The board and three race directors direct a team of managers. Each of these managers gets help from a group of volunteers to organize their specific part of the race. Various volunteers are active throughout the year in order to prepare the race. Managers meet each other every six to eight weeks to discuss preparations for the race and take days off for the race in order to build and dismantle the event.
The directors are Richard Belderok (Race Director), Jefry Visser (Operations Director), and Jort Vlam (Commercial Director). All three grew up in Almere and became involved in triathlon at a young age. As triathletes, they all finished the Long Distance triathlon in Almere one or more times. Together with the board, they were responsible for the shift of Holland Triathlon to CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM in 2013. The three directors are also involved in the organization of CHALLENGEFAMILY, TRI HARD Series Netherlands and Stichting Start2Finish in Almere.

Richard Belderok
Race Director

Jefry Visser
Operations Director

Jort Vlam
Commercial Director
We couldn’t do it without them and all our volunteers

Arthur Lambregts
Motor Brigade

Bart Bockhoudt
Parcours / CP

Boudewijn Vlam
Water Brigade

Carina Graman
Green Bags

Chantal Theuns
Volunteer Administration

Corry Aarts
Secretary & Infodesk

Debby van Dongen
Office Manager / Registration

Fons Ketelaar
Motor Brigade

Frank Veltman

Gertjan Steltman
Accomodation & VIP

Henri Jacobs
Race Security & Support

Jan Cees Visser
Run Course

Jolanda Felix

Jorg van Eck
Junior Challenge

Judith Ettema
Athletes Care

Lianne van Dijk
Secretary & Infodesk

Marjan van Aken
Junior Challenge

Marlous Droog
Medical Services

Richard Treffers
Corporate Ambassador/Sponsorship

Rik de Lange
Water Brigade

Roy Philip
Food Court

Shanna Weterings
Warehouse & Logistics

Sylvia de Vries
Motor Brigade

Tim Moria
PR & Media

Walter Hubers
Security & Event Control

Bas Kuhlmann
Aid Station Run Course 1

Chantal Theuns
Aid Station Run Course 3

Debby Angenent
Aid Station Run Course 2

Derek Haenen
Kids Run

Dick Nieskens
Aid Station Run Course 3

Edgar Donkervliet
Lead Cyclists

Inge Philip
Volunteer Care

Jan de Veen
Aid Station Run Course 1

Jeanette Hendriks
Warehouse & Logistics
Aid Station Bike Course 4

Joanette Peeters
Athletes Care Finish Area

Kim Kodde
Aid Station Bike Course 2

Marius van Gasteren
Volunteer Care

Martin Reinders
Run Course

Menno Wijkhuizen
Water Brigade: Canoeists

Niek Withagen
Warehouse & Logistics
Aid Station Bike Course 1

Piet Koole
Aid Station Run Course 4

Remko Evenboer
Aid Station Run Course 5

Renske Sellwood
Transition Tent

Rob Fokkens
Water Brigade: Divers

Sebastiaan de Reij
Aid Station Run Course 2

Suzanne de Veen
Aid Station Run Course 1

Theo Hagman
Doping Control

Willemijn Huizinga
Waterstation Esplanade